We've all heard the phrase "The Money Is In The List" and we all know it's the Holy Grail of Internet Marketing, but dammit it's just not that easy is it?
I mean if it really was that easy everybody would be doing it, and we'd all be lying around on the beach catching some rays while our List of Hungry Subscribers funded our extravagant lifestyle!
If you have ever wanted to build a list, or you have tried and failed don't worry - It's Not Your Fault! You have been lied to time and time again about how easy it is, and how all you have to do is push a magic button and the money will come rolling in.
I'm sure you've heard it a hundred times. All you have to do is build a Lead Magnet to capture your subscriber's email addresses, link it to your Email Service Provider and then you're good to go!
But Wait! You also need to find quality affiliate products to promote and then write a huge bunch of emails to send out to those new subscribers, otherwise you just wasted your time getting them on your list...
Look, there's no disputing that a good list will bring in money, (in fact it can bring in great money!) and this might be easy for a Techy or for an Experienced Marketer with a team of professionals working under them, but for the average person this is all just
Way Too Hard!!
And seriously, building the landing page and getting subscribers onto your list is the easy part! The really hard part is what you do with those subscribers once you get them on to your list.
I feel your pain because I know this from first hand experience and believe me, I have made some huge mistakes: You see back when I built my first list I thought I had done everything right. I put the time in, I built the front end and got subscribers on to my list but then it all fell apart.
So what was the One Big Thing that I didn’t do that cost me thousands of dollars?
Well, back when I launched my first product several years ago I picked up hundreds of new subscribers onto my list. And these weren’t just “freebie seeker” subscribers they were actual buyers who had paid good money to get access to my product. Many of them bought the recurring membership model as well, so these people were actually looking forward to getting their monthly content and hearing from me on a regular basis. I cranked out the monthly content as promised and had lots of happy customers.
“So that’s a good thing right?” I hear you ask, “I mean you did exactly what you promised your customers…?”
“Ok Rob, enough of the suspense already! Just tell me what you didn’t do!”
Well, it’s quite simple.
I had a great buyers list of hundreds of active, hungry subscribers. Many of these subscribers were new marketers themselves, and just wanted to learn as much as they could about anything they could get their hands on. They had all proven that they were willing and able to take their money out and purchase products that they knew would help them on their journey to online success. After all, they had already purchased my product and many were using it. They were there ready and waiting for me to help them get to the next level.
"So then what did you do?"
I knew that “the money is in the list” and that I needed to send these customers regular emails that I could make an affiliate income from. I was ready to be a successful Affiliate Marketer with a great list!
So I sent out a couple of promo emails that I thought would send my hungry buyers into a buying frenzy and I would make money like it was my own personal ATM. The cash would just come in thick and fast right?
And what made it even worse was that every time I tried to send out an email a whole bunch of people unsubscribed!
So what went so horribly wrong?
Quite simply I *thought* I knew what I was doing, but it turned out I was hopelessly wrong. I was selling too hard, too fast and I really didn’t have a clue. The gurus had made it seem so easy, they just emailed their list of hungry buyers and seemingly made money out of thin air! But every time I tried it just didn't work.
So I panicked and I stopped sending emails. Everything that I thought was right turned out to be wrong. After a couple of weeks I tried again, but I got the exact same result. No sales and a big bunch of unsubscribes.
So I stopped sending emails again, hoping that I would figure it out but I never did. There was no magic pill and no moment of revelation, there was just nothing.
Then my list went stone...cold...
And just like that it was over, my buyers list that should have made me sales every time I sent an email was toast.
I wasted a huge opportunity to work with my subscribers, to help them in their journey and to make some serious affiliate commissions in the process.
Did you know that on average each subscriber on your list is worth around $1 per month? That equates to $12 profit per year for each subscriber. So that means just 500 subscribers was worth $500 per month, or $6000 per year!
Expand that to just 1000 subscribers and that blows out to $12,000 per year!
And my list was now completely and utterly useless because:
You know the money is in the list, it’s what we’re told from day one. You know you need to build a list of subscribers so you decide to knuckle down and just do it. You sign up with an Email Service Provider like Aweber or GetResponse to handle your emails.
Then you spend a huge amount of time finding an offer, building your squeeze page and finally driving traffic to your page. You might even spend some money on paid traffic like Google or Facebook to help speed up the process.
Finally, after all that work, you start to see some results and the subscribers start coming in.
The first thing that you need to do is the exact opposite of what I did!
You Need To Have A Plan In Place And Ready To Go.
And not just any old plan - you need a Plan That Is Proven To Work.
After all, you can't just send out any old email that you have put together in the hope that people will connect with you and buy from you. Remember I tried that - and it didn't work.
In fact it failed miserably and instead of making a regular income from my list I made absolutely nothing!
You need a great lead magnet to capture subscribers, and then a full set of proven emails already crafted and ready to go out on auto pilot for a least the next six months so that you don't have to worry about it. Because believe me, if you haven’t already set them up to automatically go out when you get a new subscriber then you won’t do it later. You just won’t have the time. You'll be too busy building your list to catch up with the emails and then it will be too late.
You cannot afford to stop sending emails to your list. Period.
If you want to see a regular stream of income from your subscribers then you need to have a full, proven system in place right from the start. You need to interact with your new subscribers immediately so that they get to know you and trust you. Because mark my words, your subscribers are busy and have lots of other things to distract them - if you don't talk to them straight away and keep them engaged then they will forget who you are.
If You Don't Start Sending Your New Subscribers Emails From Day 1 Then You Will Fade Into Obscurity In Their Minds.
You will probably even get reported as spam! (Yep, that happened to me too, simply because my subscribers hadn't heard from me for a while and forgot who I was!).
And you can't just send emails that only promote affiliate products either. You need a good mix of value packed Affiliate Emails, plus you need to give your subscribers some cool, regular Bonuses or Giveaways so that you don't burn your list out.
Remember, your list is often the only communication you will have with your subscribers. You can't just sell, sell, sell. You have to give a little too...
Now, have a think about how many email lists you are currently on? How many marketers send you emails every day with irresistible offers and how often have you bought something from those emails? Every time you have bought something then somebody else has made money from you.
How would it feel if the shoe was on the other foot? How would it feel if it was YOU who was sending out those emails to your own subscribers and it was YOU who was making a commission every time someone bought something?
I bet that'd feel pretty good right?
In fact I know it does! I know from personal experience that there is no better feeling in Internet Marketing than getting a notification that you have just made some money from somebody else spending their money!
But does this all sound too hard?
Are you thinking "Yes, of course I would love to do that, but I don't know how"?
List Genius is the complete solution that I wish I had! It completely takes the headache and the worry out of getting subscribers and then looking after your list so you can set it and forget it. No more struggling and worrying about getting it wrong. With List Genius you get everything that you need - a bonus lead magnet to draw in hungry subscribers plus a full 6 Months worth of affiliate and giveaway emails that will keep those subscribers engaged, hungry and begging for more!
Yes, that's right, every single one of your pre-written affiliate emails for 6 Months ready to go. Yes, all of the emails are loaded with YOUR affiliate links so you get to keep 100% of the profits.
That's so important I'm going to repeat it:
ALL of the Emails Are Loaded With YOUR Affiliate Links So You Get To Keep 100% of the Profits!
All you have to do is plug the emails into your Email Service Provider (Autoresponder) of choice and you are good to go!
**Don't have an Email Service Provider yet?
Don't worry I'll show you how to get one and set everything up in minutes.
**Don't have a website for your lead magnet?
That's ok, you don't need one, I'll give you everything you need to create this page and I'll show you exactly how to do it without a web page:
(Of course you can host the list building lead magnet on your own website if you already have one)
I will also show you a Super Lazy Shortcut that can make the whole process even easier so you can literally be set up and running today!
You are the one in charge. You are the one who is sending out emails every day on autopilot. Imagine YOUR name appearing every day in someone else's inbox for a change! Think about how good it is going to feel when you finally start to see commissions coming in, and how much respect you will have from your peers when you are a bona fide Affilate Marketer.
But you know what? You could do all of this yourself if you wanted to. You could go out and take a course in how to write great email copy. Then you could spend hours looking for great, quality affiliate products to promote and then you could check that they actually do provide great value to your subscribers. Then you could sit down and write over 150 emails promoting those products. When you've finished doing all of that you could create or find 26 bonus quality products to give away to your subscribers each and every week. Oh, and then you could set up 26 web pages to deliver those awesome bonuses....
Do I need to go on and on?
In fact, if you didn't want to do all of the work yourself you could even hire a Virtual Assistant to do it all for you. But if you want to pay someone $25 an hour for well over 125 hours I guess that's up to you. I mean it's only going to cost you a bit over $3100....
Or, you could just grab all of that, already completely done for you, for just one insanely low price that is just a tiny, tiny fraction of that. You could even take advantage of the special launch price that brings the already insane price down even further!
So why am I doing this? Why am I offering over $3100 worth of services for over a 99% discount (yes really!)
Am I crazy, bonkers, loopy, out of my mind??
Well actually no, but I'm going to be completely honest with you here. I really do believe that this product is the best value, done for you service that you have seen in a long time, if ever!
And yes, I really did spend over 125 hours setting this all up.
So you really are getting amazing value here, and I value my time at a lot more than $25 an hour!
But what I really want to get out of all of this is to provide you with such awesome value that you become a long term customer of mine. I have several more great products in the pipeline that I will be releasing this year, and I would love for you to be able to check them out. Hopefully you love them so much that you will consider buying one or more of them from me in the future.
And if you don't, that's ok too!
Regardless, I'm positive that you will get great value from List Genius and I will be happy that I helped you on your journey, even if you never buy another thing from me.
As if all of that wasn't enough, check out these amazing bonuses that you are going to get instant access to for free!
Yes that's right - For FREE!
As a special added bonus you will receive these extra awesome, free List Building Tools to help you drive traffic and build up that list of hungry subscribers.
These awesome products will be available for you to download instantly when you join.
You can give away this Jam Packed eBook in exchange for your new subscriber's email address! Then for the next 6 months they will automatically get the money making emails you set up in List Genius. It really couldn't be easier!
I've really Tried To Make This as Easy As Possible For You To Supercharge Your List Building!
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John Thornhill
Trevor Mchaffie
Ben Crain
Rich Lowe
Robert Corrigan
I'm so sure that you will be delighted by List Genius that I am offering a 30 day, 100% Money Back, Dual Guarantee.
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I am also offering Full Support so if you are having any issues at all with setting anything up I am here to help - free of charge!
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