Look, I totally get it. We're all busy, and it really is a struggle sometimes to find the time to get things done.
I would hate to see you invest in this program, only to see it gathering dust on your hard drive just because you're already too busy making money for your family to get it up and running.
It's ok, I've been there myself.
I couldn't tell you how many times I used to buy products with the best intentions but I never had the time to do anything with them.
I'd hate to see you miss this opportunity to have a complete 6 month email campaign and a subscriber-getting lead magnet all set up and ready to earn you money.
If you just don't have the time to set up the 6 month List genius campaign then I can do it for you for a one time price.
Now obviously I can't do this for everybody, so I definitely have to limit this offer. If the buy button is still available below then there is still at least one spot left, but if it's gone then I'm sorry but you missed out.
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